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Things to consider when searching for that right Employment.


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Landing that perfect job is very important. However, it can be nerve racking to prepare for it. It does not matter how good of a grade you got on your exams or how well you did on your final project at University. What matters is, if you can sell yourself to the employers during the interview process. They should choose you amongst other candidates for the Company you are interviewing for. How can you make that big leap? What essential factors should you know to get hired?  Any big companies in any industry wants someone who can be of great charisma and vigor. Before you begin your application process, ask yourself if that is the Company you would want to work for. Research the Company and go prepared for your first interview. It is like writing LSATS, MCAT or GMAT and applying to Law schools,

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Medical schools or Graduate schools. How did you end up in the school during the interview process? Did you not try to sell yourself by writing a great personal statement? The same strategy will work in the process of employment.


If you are considering career change, ask yourself what makes you happy? Any job should give you that peaceful satisfaction at the end of the day. You should never go home with a miserable mind. The reason why I am mentioning this is, you should have a heartfelt satisfaction contributing to any industry. You wanting to go happy to the job in the morning and coming home satisfied is the most important factor. When you go happy, you spread that aura to all in the Company staff. Likewise, the entire place will be filled with happiness. Therefore, do the self-assessment first about the values that matter to you in a Company. Along with self-assessment, network with many friends who will be working or contributing to the industry you are applying for.

Ask yourself, how can you offer your best to the job you are applying for? What intrinsic skills have you learned or have that might fit the job qualification. Sometimes

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you may be thinking of a career change;  think of how your skills from previous employment can be of use to the new job. Above all, make sure that any changes you make in regards to your career fit your work-life balance. In the end of the day, as mentioned your satisfaction as an employee will matter the most. If it does not work out, think that there is always a better plan that Universe has for you. However, any experience is worth trying because it is an additional skill and never a waste. Perhaps your aura and beam of light is needed somewhere else in the world at this moment. Therefore, never get dejected with application process or job interviews.


Perhaps with the skill set you poses, you maybe a great fit to be an entrepreneur than working for a Company or with a partner in a joint venture. Let your ideas flow through

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to the Universe and let it sync in your thought process. As I always tell my clients, the Universe always has your back no matter what. I have ventured into many different hats and I enjoyed wearing many hats because it all became an added skill set. Writing has been my passion, I believe that writing has a great power to heal anyone. Therefore, to all my friends who are out there trying to land your dream job, be consistent and let no fear get in the way. There is always something better waiting for you and it will manifest at the right time.


Smile & Enjoy!



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