
Gratitude Towards Life

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What is gratitude? It can be expressed as having appreciation towards what one has in life. Many times people are agonized by what life leads them to and they do not appreciate the blessings they have in life. This is due to the constant desires of the mind. As mentioned in my previous blogs, mind is the most common reasons for all self-expressed desires. Yet, many are not sure of how to tame this so called, “monkey mind”.

In my personal experience, desires were the results of my depression. Due to increase in my desires and not manifesting them in my life, I became very depressed.  I neglected to show gratitude towards the blessings that I was blessed with. The reason for this was due to lack of self-love. It is good to have vision and ambition towards life but it should not arise from jealousy or hatred towards another. It took me so many years to unlearn the self-hatred which I developed. I used to view my –self as not worthy of anything,

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though I was gifted with many talents. The reason for this is due to viewing people who were more successful in many aspects. You may ask a question, is it wrong to view others who are successful than you are? No, not at all! this is where you can learn from them and motivate your self to become like they are. However, one should not develop jealousy.

Little did I know that I was basically developing depression rather than being grateful towards things I was blessed with by the Source.  I used to believe that I was always not blessed for greater things. One day, I sat down in front of my altar and asked higher Source, if he really loved me? When I am unsure of anything, I have a habit of opening a book for answers. That was when I came across “The Surrender Prayer and Footsteps in sand”. I knew he was watching over me and guiding every step of the way. Not sure if it is a mystical experience or not, but I used to

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get signs from bird feathers and butterflies as if some greater being is watching over everything.

Slowly I began to view life as a lesson. Do you believe the fact that, “Slow and steady win the race?” That’s what I realized later. I was in hurry to accomplish things without learning anything however, the Source was teaching lessons all the way. One must have patience towards everything. He made me view successful people so that I can motivate myself to become successful as they were. One must also accept failures  and not get agitated or depressed.

“Failures are pillars of success.” One should be always grateful and have gratitude towards everything. We are born in this world so that we can learn from each other. Human birth is valued as the most important birth; the reason for this is because one can have the opportunity to connect with the Source. Animals or other species do not have the sixth sense like humans. However, every living entity is a spark of divinity.

One must value this human birth and should always have gratitude towards everything in life.

“Everything is a sign of his Grace.”

Yours Truly….

Pavithrah . T

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